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A Novel Technology

Scanning Probe Microscopy is a key technology for the characterization of the nature of the surface of a sample. Until now, it has been generally accepted that one needs one instrument for one measurement. Surface science and technology are in  great need of one instrument that can perform the characterization of all kind of near field interactions.
Our patented technology revolutionizes standard Scanning probe microscopy by uncoupling the interaction sensor and the probe itself. Thanks to our solutions it is now easy to change the nature of the tip and the interaction that it can detect, our instruments offer the possibility to fully characterize the surface properties of your sample by using a universal, versatile and simple to use instrument. With a UPI instrument, it is now possible to measure multiple type of interactions in a broad range of environment.

UPI proposes a universal sensor and there is no limitation in the interaction probe one can imagine. Indeed, size does not matter and there is no issue in integrating any kind of probe on our instruments

One Instrument,
a Thousand Measures

Changing a 40 year old paradigm, UPI offers multi-purpose, multi-scale, compact and highly versatile instruments for measuring weak interactions.

With over 15 years of experience in designing accurate measurement instruments in a wide range of fields, our team offers customised systems to meet your needs and overcome the barriers your questions require



Nicolas Navette

Co-Funder & CEO

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Alessandro Siria

Co-Funder & Scientific advisor

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Antoine Niguès

Co-Funder & Scientific advisor

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Lyderic Bocquet

Nikita Kavokine

Co-Funder & Scientific advisor


& Software development

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6, rue Léon Maître - 44000 NANTES - Tél : +33 (0)6 33 01 16 92 - Email :
SAS au capital de 1000 € - SIRET 898 530 258 00018 - APE 7112B - TVA intracommunautaire : FR71898530258

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